June 14, 2012

Oakley's Story

Oakley was born on June 14, 2012 at 5:43 pm. She weighed 6lbs 11oz and 19inches long. We absolutely adore her. Here is her story. Tom had left to the gym and about 2pm I decided it’d be a good idea to get ready for the day, yes at 2pm! I was sitting on the counter doing my make up when my water broke. I hurried into the living room and called Tom, he was just on his way home and had a feeling to stop and fill the car with gas. He ran into the house as I was changing my clothes, getting my bags ect. Tom ran into the house yelling at me to get in the car. I was obviously not feeling the contractions yet. As we were driving to the hospital the pain started to hit. When we arrived at the hospital there were two girls ahead of me and saw how much pain I was in and told me to go first. The nurse showed us to my room and began to explain to me the first time moms are usually in labor for hours and a nurse would be right in. I started to pace my hospital room in circles looking at the clock. Tom kept telling me, you’re ok, you’re ok. Of course I did not feel “ok” I yelled at him, I AM NOT OK! He then realized it was time to go find a nurse. The nurse came in immediately and preceded to tell me that first time moms are in labor for hours once again. She checked to see how far I was dilated and then realized it was game time, I was dilated to a 7! She started my IV and asked if I wanted an epidural, of course that was a yes! The nurse called my doctor, of course he was not in the hospital, so I had to wait until he arrived. 3 contractions later, our sweet baby girl was born. 

Waiting for the Doctor to arrive.

Thomas cutting the cord.

Proud Dad


Oakley's First Bath

Cute little Lizzie Jane meeting her cousin.
We Just love our new little Family and everyone that was there to share our special day!

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